Oh to have a dressing room! A space with tons of glorious shelving and scented sachets and cubbies for my shoes! I’d have gorgeous white, hi-pile carpet and damask wallpaper and a leather, le Corbusier chaise. However, I must admit that my Target flip-flops and Old Navy sweaters (pills and all) would look a little shabby in such a space. But for a moment let’s pretend we have the wardrobe closet at Vogue at our disposal. Would you want to house it in one of these rooms?

First, let me just say that the dear head is not cool. I have to believe that it’s a really, really good reproduction because the rest of that space is amazing. Same with the black horns in the room to the right of that one – clearly faux. Don’t you love that settee? And the striped rug is so airy on the dark floor. The two middle pictures have a very Men’s JCrew feel to them don’t you think (minus the ladies coats). The dark wood hangers and tartan rug are so classic and masculine. I love that the man’s closet is decorated. It’s tiny, but it’s put-together. (I’ll even forgive the bobble head). The bottom (left + right) two images are so friendly and clean—there’s so much space to make your wardrobe decisions. It’d be so great to not have to move all of that morning’s reject shirts and pants off the bed before climbing into it at night!
As a wrap-up (excuse the low-res images), I wanted to make mention of the delightful cotton commercials. I’m not particularly fond of the song these ladies are asked to sing, but watching them flounce around in gorgeous cotton is fun. And their closets are quite charming.

First, let me just say that the dear head is not cool. I have to believe that it’s a really, really good reproduction because the rest of that space is amazing. Same with the black horns in the room to the right of that one – clearly faux. Don’t you love that settee? And the striped rug is so airy on the dark floor. The two middle pictures have a very Men’s JCrew feel to them don’t you think (minus the ladies coats). The dark wood hangers and tartan rug are so classic and masculine. I love that the man’s closet is decorated. It’s tiny, but it’s put-together. (I’ll even forgive the bobble head). The bottom (left + right) two images are so friendly and clean—there’s so much space to make your wardrobe decisions. It’d be so great to not have to move all of that morning’s reject shirts and pants off the bed before climbing into it at night!
As a wrap-up (excuse the low-res images), I wanted to make mention of the delightful cotton commercials. I’m not particularly fond of the song these ladies are asked to sing, but watching them flounce around in gorgeous cotton is fun. And their closets are quite charming.
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