Good morning friends! Today I'd like to introduce you to a very talented woman name Mary Kate McDevitt. She lives in Portland (where else?) and is quite the busy little bee. She's an illustrator/designer/reseller of vintage awesomeness. Her mini "to do list" chalkboards and clocks have been featured on lots of blogs and she's featured in the August/September issue of Ready Made magazine. Here are some of my favorites of her work:
Don't those little chalkboards seem much less daunting than a random post-it? I might actually get some things completed!
As an artist/designer trying to find my voice, I really appreciate that her commercial work looks so much like her personal art.
Her illustrations are really silly - which you know I love! The top three are from a children's book about characters from mythology at an elementary school. I absolutely love "Medusa's makeover party". Check out her work on her site/blog/etsy shop/flickr stream. Have a good weekend!
Don't those little chalkboards seem much less daunting than a random post-it? I might actually get some things completed!
As an artist/designer trying to find my voice, I really appreciate that her commercial work looks so much like her personal art.
Her illustrations are really silly - which you know I love! The top three are from a children's book about characters from mythology at an elementary school. I absolutely love "Medusa's makeover party". Check out her work on her site/blog/etsy shop/flickr stream. Have a good weekend!